Wednesday, July 2, 2008

"Anxiously Waiting"

Well, I only have 3 days before I leave for Pheonix, AZ to begin the medical tests to see if I'm healthy enough to donate my kidney. I have to say that I'm a little anxious. Not really b/c of the tests but because of the fact that I'm going to meet the recipient and his family for the first time. I'm not sure why that makes me nervous.

I guess I'm worried that they won't like me or that we will run out of things to talk about. I'm sure that they are a lot more worried than I am. They have to think about the possibility that I could back out. I know that I would never do that, but I've heard stories of it happening.

I'm not at all nervous about having the surgery. I've had several surgeries in my life and have always healed very quickly. I think part of that is b/c I'm stubborn and refuse to sit around and wait for my body to heal. I tend to do thing before I'm supposed to. When I had my hysterecomty (ovaries removed) earlier this year, I was up at the office after only 5 days. There were just things that had to be done. Mostly I worked from home, but I wasn't in much pain, so I went up there.

I'm a firm believer in taking the pain medicine that they give me to take. I don't think there is any reason to suffer. I don't have a high pain tolerance so it's usually needed. Some people can stop taking them before they leave the hospital, but that's just not me. I guess I'm not that tough.

Anyway, I need everyone's prayers while I'm gone. Pray that they decide I'm healthy enough to donate and that I pass the barrage of psychological tests they give me. They mainly want to see that I'm donating for the right reasons. I know I am, but I now have to prove it to strangers.

Wish me luck!

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