Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Update: 4.5 months post-op

Well, it's been about 4.5 months since I donated my kidney. I wanted to update those of you that read this regularly. I haven't written in a while, and I apologize. Things have been a little hectic.
About 3 full months after the surgery, I finally started feeling like myself again. The only thing I've noticed is that I've gained some weight. I think it's b/c I was really tired for a while and didn't do much.
Now, I have my energy completely back. I feel great! I haven't gone for my 3 month check-up yet to check my Creatinine and blood pressure. I really need to do that. I will after the holidays. The last time I had my Creatinine checked, it was still pretty high. it's supposed to come down after 3 months though.
I also wanted to mention that if anyone is interested in talking to me about the donation process and/or how to find someone to donate to please email me at melswanson502@yahoo.com. That's my new email address. I'll be glad to walk you through the entire process. I still, to this day, get emails from new people asking how the whole thing will play out.

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